



+3  Q: 

Java AWT in .NET

Is there an equivalent for Java AWT that works on .NET?

I usually use IKVM for Java bytecode translation, but IKVM AWT support is fairly limited.

+1  A: 

AFAIK, there are no implementations of AWT for .NET that are more complete than the (as you've seen) partially complete version in IKVM. Be sure to use the latest IKVM snapshots, though, as it has improved quite a bit over the past year.

The only similar project that I know of is Ja.NET, but I doubt their AWT is in any better shape than the one in IKVM.

+1  A: 

Maybe jni4net could help you ? Or one of the other Java to COM bridges ?

Pavel Savara
Can jni4net be used for "bridging" AWT in .net ?
Ahmed Khalaf
Generally yes. But I never tried anything advanced. As well bear in mind that jni4net is still young and under heavy development.
Pavel Savara
Great, can you provide any general ideas on how this can be achieved as AWT isn't a jar library (How will I build the proxy class)? I will do the test drive.
Ahmed Khalaf
It's in jre/lib/rt.jarBest would be to filter by packages, say java.awt and sun.awt by proxygen, but that's not implemented yet. I noted it as feature request.So for now you need to find the classes you need and create config for proxygen by hands.
Pavel Savara
You dont know how much I'd lOVE to participate in this project :)
Ahmed Khalaf
Drop me an email, if you think you have skills and time to join.
Pavel Savara