



I have a C++ struct that looks like this:

struct unmanagedstruct
    int             flags;
        int             offset[6];
            float           pos[3];
            float           q[4];
        } posedesc;
    } u;

And I'm trying to Marshal it like so in C#:

public class managedstruct {
    public int flags;

    [FieldOffset(4), MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 6)]
    public int[] offset;

    public struct posedesc {
        [FieldOffset(0), MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 3)]
        public float[] pos;

        [FieldOffset(12), MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
        public float[] q;

    public posedesc pose;

However, when I try loading data into my struct only the first 3 elements of the offset array are there (the array's length is 3). I can confirm that their values are correct - but I still need the other 3 elements. Am I doing something obviously wrong?

I'm using these functions to load the struct:

private static IntPtr addOffset(IntPtr baseAddress, int byteOffset) {
    switch (IntPtr.Size) {
        case 4:
            return new IntPtr(baseAddress.ToInt32() + byteOffset);
        case 8:
            return new IntPtr(baseAddress.ToInt64() + byteOffset);
            throw new NotImplementedException();

public static T loadStructData<T>(byte[] data, int byteOffset) {
    GCHandle pinnedData = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
    T output = (T)Marshal.PtrToStructure(addOffset(pinnedData.AddrOfPinnedObject(), byteOffset), typeof(T));
    return output;

Loading example:

managedstruct mystruct = loadStructData<managedstruct>(buffer, 9000);

Let me know if you need more information.