My initial script is below. I've no doubt this can be drastically improved on.
# Load TagLib DLL
[void] [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($TagLibDllPath)
# Get all videos in the given directory
$videoFiles = Get-ChildItem $directoryPath -Include *.avi -Recurse -Force
if (($videoFiles -eq $null) -or (($videoFiles | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0))
Throw "Given directory $directoryPath does not contain any videos!"
$videos = @()
foreach($videoFile in $videoFiles)
$video = [TagLib.File]::Create($videoFile.FullName)
$videoDetails = new-object object;
$videoName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($videoFile.FullName)
Add-Member -in $videoDetails noteproperty "Title" $videoName
Add-Member -in $videoDetails noteproperty "Duration" $video.Properties.Duration.TotalMinutes
$videos+= $videoDetails;
$videos = $videos | Sort-Object Duration -descending
if (!(Test-Path $outputFile))
New-Item -Path $outputFile -Type "file" -Force | out-null
$newLine = [System.Environment]::NewLine
$fileHeader = "Duration (minutes) Title"
$fileContents = $fileHeader, $newLine
foreach($video in $videos)
$outputString = [string]::Format("{0}`t`t`t`t`t {1}", "{0:N0}" -f $video.Duration, $video.Title)
$fileContents = $fileContents + $outputString
Set-Content -path $outputFile -value $fileContents
Please note the dependency on the TagLib Sharp library. Both $directoryPath and
$outputFile are parameters passed to the script.