



What is the best way to convert a System.Drawing.Color to a similar System.ConsoleColor?

+2  A: 

Unfortunately, even though the Windows console can support RGB colors, the Console class only exposes the ConsoleColor enumeration which greatly limits the possible colors you can use. If you want a Color structure to be mapped to the "closest" ConsoleColor, that will be tricky.

But if you want the named Color to match a corresponding ConsoleColor you can make a map such as:

var map = new Dictionary<Color, ConsoleColor>();
map[Color.Red] = ConsoleColor.Red;
map[Color.Blue] = ConsoleColor.Blue;

Or if performance is not that important, you can round trip through String. (Only works for named colors)

var color = Enum.Parse(typeof(ConsoleColor), color.Name);

EDIT: Here's a link to a question about finding color "closeness".

Josh Einstein
Is it possible without the Console class?
Doesn't appear so. The SetConsoleTextAttribute Win32 API only defines 4 x 1 bit flags for R, G, B, plus an intensity bit. That would only support the 16 colors supported by the ConsoleColor enum.
Josh Einstein
But you said that the Windows Console support any RGB colors...
It does, on Vista and up. You have to P/Invoke SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(),
Hans Passant