In conjunction to duffymo's answer, if you're dealing with
- File input/output, use IOException
- Network sockets, use SocketException
- XML, use XmlException
That would make catching exceptions tidier as you're not allowing it to bubble up to the generic catch-all exception. It can be slow, if you use the generic catch-all exception as the stack trace will be bubbling up and eating up memory as the references to the Exception's property, InnerException gets nested as a result.
Either way, craft your code to show the exception and log it if necessary or rethrow it to be caught by the catch-all exception...never assume the code will not fail because there's plenty of memory, plenty of disk and so on as that's shooting yourself in the foot.
If you want to design your own Exception class if you are building a unique set of classes and API, inherit from the ApplicationException class.
I understand better what the OP is doing...I suggest the following, cleaner implementation, notice how I check the stream to see if there's a HTML tag or a DOC tag as part of XHTML...
static void DownloadCompleted(HttpConnection conn) {
Image img;
HtmlDocument doc;
bool bText = false;
using (System.IO.BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(conn.Stream)){
char[] chPeek = br.ReadChars(30);
string s = chPeek.ToString().Replace(" ", "");
if (s.IndexOf("<DOC") > 0 || s.IndexOf("<HTML") > 0){
// We have a pure Text!
bText = true;
if (bText){
doc = new HtmlDocument();
img = Image.FromStream(conn.Stream);
Increase the length if you so wish depending on how far into the conn.Stream
indicating where the html tags are...
Hope this helps,
Best regards,