Hi, I am trying to get the "date of birth" column in my excel sheet compared with system date & get the matches. The next step would be to get the associated datas(login names) in the same row, of the matched dates & display the same or dump the data to any file somewhere.
This is what I have now:
= "http://sp-fin/sites/arindam-sites/Shared Documents"
new-object -com WScript.Network).MapNetworkDrive("M:","$link")
cd M:
= Get-ChildItem *.* | Where-Object {$_.xlsx -eq $birthday.xlsx}
$file -Destination c:\birth.xlsx
= c:\birth.xlsx
= (Get-Date -format "M-d-yy") | Out-File -FilePath c:\auto\date.csv
= new-object -comobject Excel.Application
.visible = $True
= {$excel.Workbooks.Open('$b')
.displayalerts = $False
After this I tried few options to compare the excel data with the .csv file data which is nothing but system data, but nothing worked out till now. Any helpn this would be great!
Regards Arindam