




Is it possible to make an vb.net application portable?

+2  A: 

It is portable - build your .exe and copy it on your flash drive. Assuming it will be run where there is .net framework, there is no problem!

EDIT: A similar topic here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/778123/writing-usb-drive-portable-applications-in-c

Way to go. Just copy every dll and exe from your Release-Folder, that's it.
That's "relocatable", not "portable", I would say.
@skaffman - I think we need the OP to define his terms.
Michael Petrotta
@skaffman, I've been using http://portableapps.com site for some time, not http://relocatableapps.com ;-)
+1  A: 

Depends on what you mean by "portable". Certainly, you can build them without external dependencies on things like config files, registry settings, etc. You'll still need the .NET runtime installed on the target computer, though.

Michael Petrotta

Whether it's a desktop application or a web application, the .Net framework needs to be installed on the machine that the app is run on. Generally, the .Net framework is installed with Windows.

It has to be the same version of the .Net framework as the app was developed in (1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5). Which version of the framework is installed depends on the version of Windows.

+2  A: 

"portable" has more than one meaning, but if you mean a program that could also run on linux or mac than you need to think mono. Specifically, look at their migration analyzer.

Joel Coehoorn
+1  A: 

I seem to recall that you can use vb.net to write Silverlight apps; once compiled, this should be fairly portable (onto all Silverlight / Moonlight enabled browsers).

Of course, if you talk about web apps, the client (html) should already be portable, regardless of the server.

Marc Gravell