Here's the architecture of my app:
I have a data access layer in a seperate assembly, with a class containing methods such as List_XYZ, Insert_XYZ, Update_XYZ etc. All methods return or use objects from an object model I've created, which also resides in the data access layer assembly.
Inside my mvc app, I've created views, controllers and models. Inside the models I've stuck the logic to call the data access layer and populate themselves from the data access layer object model classes as well as logic to create the data access layer classes and pass them to the data access layer for inserts updates:
|-----MVC Application---------||-----------Data Access Layer------|
View -> Controller -> Model <--> Object <--> Data Access Layer <--> Database
Now, because some of the views are getting a little more complex, I need to get a list of looks for drop downs as well as get the details for the object I'm editing or viewing, and I am adding logic for caching, I'm wondering if the model is really the spot for this data. I thought about moving the communication between the MVC model and Data access layer to the controller instead, but I like having a nice lean controller and model, so am thinking about a 4th entity. I know there's been lots of discussion around where to put business rules/database calls should it be in the controller or model, but haven't seen much discussion around introducing a 4th entity. Bad idea?