I often use FormBorderStyle = SizableToolWindow with forms on smaller resolution displays (ie netbooks) for the smaller title-bar height and border sizes.
The MaximimizeBox and MinimizeBox properties are also set to True however it appears they are ignored because only the Close button is displayed.
I have also tried the customizing the window style using the following:
protected override CreateParams CreateParams
CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
cp.Style |= 0x00020000; // Turn on Minimize button
cp.Style |= 0x00010000; // Turn on Maximize button
return cp;
But the Maximize and Minimize buttons are still not shown.
Sizable tool windows are actually shown in the taskbar by default, and can be minimized/maximized by right clicking on the taskbar icon, but this is far less convenient then just showing the buttons on the title-bar as usual.
Any suggestions?