




Lately I've run into the following problem. I've started using Workflow 4.0, one of the challenges now is to have the workflow run on the correct user, the one who's actually starting it. In WCF we use a sort of flowing-headers behaviour wich does the trick, but in WF it doesn't work obviously because the workflowhost spawns (almost) randomly new threads.

Well...we've thought of a few solutions. The best is probably to get a handle to some "onload" event of the workflowservicehost, get our principal there and persist it in the workflow as an argument so we can use this the rest of the flow.

As our workflow is IIS hosted, we're looking for a way to handle these workflowservicehost events without overwriting the svc file (which is created on the fly in 4.0).

Are there people here with any experience in this domain? Thanks in advance!