I was thinking whether it is possible to bridge asp.net, php and java to form a single page.
Actually i dont need any such thing as of now. It was just an idea that stiked to my mind as some features of some languages are good and some features or some other languages are good, so i was thinking what if i combine all these features into one
I mean, I m creating a page that has code from all the 3 languages asp.net php and java.
<asp code></asp code>
<php code></php code>
<java code></java code>
<asp code>
<php code></php code>
<java code></java code>
</asp code>
or something like that complier recognize different segments of code and send them to run on their compilers to execute. And output can be recognized and used by other languages in XML
i m not saying that all the languages to interact with each other. Although they can interact with each other through XML. But I only mean to say that the file is compiled as a single entity having different- different programming languages code which are send to their respective compiler to get executed and finally returning back to the parent compiler
I am thinking of a compiler that can be developed whcih recognize different languages code and send them to their compiler as done by .net framework eg MSIL