



Hello all,

When some new list item is added I want it to 'blink' by animating adding a class and removing it after on the callback.

This is the code:

$li.addClass('new', 1000, function() {
    $li.removeClass('new', 500);


#galleries-list li {
    margin-top: 10px;
    background-color: #EEFFFF;
    border: 1px solid #99FFFF;  
#galleries-list {
    background-color: #DDFFBB;
    border: 1px solid #99FF66; 


I found what went wrong. When I removed the fadeOut it works. I have no idea why. Maybe you can check this and sent it to the jQuery UI dev's.

$('input, img', $li).fadeOut(150, function() {
  $gallery.set($li, name, 0); //Clears html and sets gallery name and image count
  $li.addClass('create', 2000, function() { $li.removeClass('create', 500); }); 

I don't think addClass and removeClass have duration parameters.

You could try

li.addClass("new").animate({"opacity" : 1}, 500, function(){ li.removeClass("new"); });

This will add the "new" class, then pause for half a second, then remove the class.

jQuery UI makes the duration option possible
It adds duration, but no callback?
Callback is not in documentation but does work

Known bug This does not work in Safari 4, but it has been fixed in the yet unreleased (at the time of this writing) 1.8 version of jQuery UI.

Sorry, I have removed my answer because your code is completely correct. However, even their demo for addClass does not work in Safari 4, but worked fine in Firefox 3.5.

Update: You can see your code working here, if you visit the page in Firefox 3.5:

Doug Neiner
When i make a callback function and log something it works.. I agree that it's not in the documentairy
Yes, I just noticed Safari won't work. Well then I'll won't use jQuery ui
@unknown, don't give up on it yet... I just sent a message to one of the core team members... Its a known bug that has been fixed in jQuery UI 1.8a2. As soon as 1.8 is released it will be fixed.
Doug Neiner
mm still Unknown, i should change that. I'll sit still and wait for it.
That works great! Thanks for all the help, i'll keep searching now why mine isn't working.