




I am seeking for books that describe the design of Java/C# programming language.How the language designers thought when they were designing these two languages?What tradeoffs did they make?



There is a good description of the intertwining of the two at the start of our own Jon Skeet's book C# in Depth.

David M
Note that that's the case for the first edition - but to trim down the second edition I'm likely to be condensing the history side significantly.
Jon Skeet
I actually read that section last night - would be a great shame to see it trimmed!
David M
@David M: Maybe I'll see if I can get permission to reproduce it on the web site, so it's not actually lost...
Jon Skeet
Would be a good think Jon, IMHO.
David M
+1  A: 

For C#, a lot of those thoughts have been written down in The C# Programming Language as notes with each and every feature. While a thorough manual and invaluable reference for C# developers, it is not a history book of the C# language, but does give quite some insight on the decision making process of certain features.

More specifically, it points to why some features have been taken over from Java, or why not. It also adds critical notes from the designers why certain features proved poor design later. The writers are Anders Hejlsberg (inventor of Pascal and C#), Mads Torgersen, Scott Wiltamuth, Peter Golde, the commentators are Vladimir Rashetnikov, Eric Lippert, Bill Wagner, Joseph Albahari and other well known names of the circuit.
