How to encrypt a nsstring and store it in a file, and how to decrypt the same.
Please suggest me wat api's i shld use...
How to encrypt a nsstring and store it in a file, and how to decrypt the same.
Please suggest me wat api's i shld use...
If you only need to support 10.5 or higher you can use the CommonCryptor API. The first comment to this post shows an example category for encrypting/decrypting NSData's:
While not an API call, you could implement a simple XOR cipher. This is quick and simple to implement and depending on the characteristics of your string (i.e. if it is of fixed length) can be very secure. If you have a variable length string XOR encryption may not be secure enough depending on your needs. Have a look at the Wikipedia article.
If you are storing a password first decide whether or not you need to re-use the password or whether you just need to check that the user has entered the correct password.
If you just need to verify that the user has entered the correct password, then store the password using a hash, and compare the hash of the user input with the hash you have stored. If both hashes are equal, then the user has [probably] typed it correctly. See more information about hashes at Wikipedia.
If you need to re-use the password (i.e. for authenticating with other services, such as connecting to an Internet service), use Apple's Keychain service. If you are targeting the iPhone, then check out this this related document.
This is the function i used for encryptiong.
DES_cfb64_encrypt( ( unsigned char * ) pchInputData, ( unsigned char * ) pchOutCipher, size, &schedule, &ParityKey, &no, DES_ENCRYPT );
I had to convert this to base64 so that i can store it in a file.
pstrResult = Base64encoding(size,( unsigned char * )pchOutCipher);