



Hopefully a question with a very simple answer, but it's not one that I've been able to find. I have a small XML document that looks roughly like this:


I have classes that represent aa and bb

public class aa
  public bb[] bbs;

public class bb
  public string Name;

When I try to deserialize the document using an XmlSerializer I get an aa object with a null bbs property. As I understand it this is because the attributes I've used on the bbs property tell the serializer to expect a document like this:


Given that I cannot change the format of the XML I am receiving, is there a way to tell the XmlSerialiser to expect an array that is not wrapped inside another tag?

+3  A: 

Change your [XmlArray]/[XmlArrayItem] to [XmlElement], which tells the serializer the elements have no wrapper, e.g.

public class aa
  public bb[] bbs;

public class bb
  public string Name;
Greg Beech
+4  A: 

Try replacing your [XmlArray("bbs")] and [XmlArrayItem("bb")] attributes with a single [XmlElement] attribute

public class aa
  public bb[] bbs;

public class bb
  public string Name;

By putting the Array and ArrayItem attributes in, you were explicitly describing how to serialize this as an array with a wrapping container.

Rob Levine
Perfect, thanks