The main problem will the ability to instantiate the Windows Forms window and set it's owner to that of the WPF window. The Winforms will want a IWin32Window which a WPF window isn't. To get around this, you need to make a custom class.
I found this code on Mark Rendle's blog (I've copied it here as I had to use the Google Cache to access the page).
LINK - WARNING: May not work
class Shim : IWin32Window
public Shim(System.Windows.Window owner)
// Create a WindowInteropHelper for the WPF Window
interopHelper = new WindowInteropHelper(owner);
private WindowInteropHelper interopHelper;
#region IWin32Window Members
public IntPtr Handle
// Return the surrogate handle
return interopHelper.Handle;
and it's method of use:
namespace System.Windows.Forms
public static class WPFInteropExtensions
public static DialogResult ShowDialog(
this System.Windows.Forms.Form form,
System.Windows.Window owner)
Shim shim = new Shim(owner);
return form.ShowDialog(shim);
I haven't tested this code, but reading around the internet, it appears that you can host Winforms windows inside of a WPF app.
I just found this link on MSDN that has a very detailed description of how to interop a Win32 control/window in a WPF application.
Hope these help you out.