



I need to create a nested test suite in Selenium that will run in the Selenium IDE or the Selenium TestRunner. This is basically the structure that I'm trying to achieve:

 - ComponentTestSuite.html
    - TestCase1.html
    - TestCase2.html
 - OtherComponentTestSuite.html
    - TestCase3.html
    - TestCase4.html

I NEED to be able to achieve something equivalent to this. I have started to try an Include extension, which allows me to include the contents of another test case, but I am running into problems with it. How have you achieved this? What advice can you give on how to help me achieve this?


As far as I know, Selenium IDE does not support this. The way most people do this is to create the individual test suites and run them individually.

I do this in C#/NUnit by creating a *.cs file for each main area and then setting categories for each of the tests to get the extra granularity


namespace Test.The.World
   public class UK 
      [Category("Southern Counties")]
      public void Sussex_Brighton(){
      [Category("Southern Counties")]
      public void Hampshire_Southampton(){

And then use the NUnit functionality to run tests accordingly.

I am sure most frameworks for most languages have this kind of feature



I'm using model based testing together with Selenium on a daily basis and with a model you can put the logic how the tests should be executed and as well the tests its self.

There are some Open Source/Free Software "robots" like XStudio. I have tried it a bit and does the work but quite messy to work with but good if your test environment does not change to often. You can here put start automatic executions at a daily basis etc and does report back the results.

Cheers, Stefan


You need SeleniumRC and some progammint language tool to write and run tests. SelenimIDE allow to save test in several languages (C#, JAVA, PHP, Pyton and etc.) Use one you familiar with. Also with out SetUp and TearDown difficult to do good tests. Selenium IDE does not allow this methods.

Igor Rodinov