




We are an ISV with experience developing and distributing desktop applications written in VB6. We are now developing tools as Excel spreadsheets containing VBA code. These will be downloadable free for various users including local government organisations.

We've rarely distributed spreadsheets outside our own organisation before. What best practises should we follow, and are there pitfalls we should watch out for?

I'm aware of the following.

Thanks in advance! Mark

+1  A: 

Two things that come to mind:

  • If for some reason you have a formula or text in a cell, try and refactor it if it is > 255 chars because Excel has no issues truncating it if the sheet is copied. It doesn't even notify you depending how it is done.
  • If you use named ranges, avoid three letter named ranges, or three letters followed by numbers. In Office 2007 BAD1 for example is a valid cell reference.
Useful tips, thanks
+1  A: 

Rather than developing a spreadsheet, I've found creating an Add Ins easier to distribute. Typically I'd have a single menu with options for documentation and to create any templates that are needed for your functions. By changing your spreadsheets more "app like" means more work but it has several advantages;

  1. It's easier to be consistant with your look and feel
  2. All of your code, your templates etc are in one file (ie: the Add In)
  3. You can easily reuse code (probably the most important bit)

for an example of how this may look, see this demonstation

Also another trick i always add is some version control and usage logging. Each major function would hit a webserver whenever run and log it's use. This isn't appopriate for every situation but in a enterprise environment it was very handy to know who was running what Excel mini-apps and how often.

Mark Nold
We were planning to put all code and templates into one file. The spreadsheets are going to be a free download to help with specific calculations - we need to wheedle the users into using it. I am a bit concerned that users might be more suspicious of an add-in than a spreadsheet and find it harder to get started. For this app, I think they need to be getting interesting results in a couple of minutes after the download, otherwise they might give up. +1 though, interesting advice