




I'm write a simple wcf service that submit request to some gateway to be processed.

The request are being executed by executing something like that:

I'm writing a WCF service that submit a request to some service which expect to get something like this:


where gatewayService is the WCF proxy and request is my own object which inherit form WCF Message object.

The request object has few properties like:

public ReportCommandLineRequest ReportRequest { get; set; }

public ImportCommandLineRequest ImportRequest { get; set; }

My problem is when this request object is being serialized. On the server side i'm getting a big chunky soap message that looks like that:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" 
      <a:Action s:mustUnderstand="1">;/a:Action&gt;
      <VsDebuggerCausalityData xmlns=""&gt;uIDPo4jiWNjcsdxHiUhlOA63xYEAAAAApgt+BuVvcEixP33+yOQTgRHZQSyr4L5ImMHVeEWLFBMACQAA&lt;/VsDebuggerCausalityData&gt;
      <a:To s:mustUnderstand="1">net.tems://localhost:7222/queue/LB.FIA.Gateway.STAGE.InputQueue</a:To>
      <SendRequest xmlns=""&gt;
          <request xmlns:b="

On the other hand, i expect on the server side to get only the serialization of the properties listed above (ReportRequest/ImportRequest), and hoping to get a serialized xml looks like that (without all the garbage inside:


Can anyone please help me to figure out how can i do that?


+2  A: 

WCF IS a SOAP based message service - so the fact you're getting a "big chunky soap message" is sort of "by design", really!

But what's the problem really?? SOAP is a well-defined protocol, and every decent web service platform speaks and understands SOAP.

Plus, typically, in WCF, you don't deal with "raw" messages anyway - you define your data structures that your service and client exchange, you define classes as [DataContract] that gets sent back and forth, and you let WCF and SOAP handle all the nitty-gritty details of serializing and deserializing your message from and to XML. Typically, you don't have to deal with any of that at all.

So once again: what is really the challenge or question here? WCF is SOAP (and now also REST) - so why does that SOAP message surprise you or cause problems??

WCF also supports handling "raw" messages, and it allows you to do things like extract the body from a SOAP message and so forth (or tweak it otherwise). See some of these blog posts for some pointers on what is possible and what you can do:

hi marc, i agree with you, no argument about that. however, the server side only supports the "clean" format, i.e, only the xml part that i described above. is there anywhere to convert those messages to be the "full" body of the message?Thanks
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