



I am newbie in game development. I do have a good knowledge of c#.

from where I should start to learn game development in c#?

Also let me know tools/studios/technologies and of course a very good book to start with.

Any help would be appreciated.


+2  A: 

I would recommend you to check out XNA, Microsoft's framework for game development in Windows and on the Xbox 360. More information can be found at the XNA Developer Center. I think that would be a good place to get started, although you could of course go for "hardcore" DirectX development if XNA doesn't meet your requirements.

I haven't read any book on XNA myself, so I can't recommend one.

Anders Fjeldstad
+1  A: 

I would recommend that you start out with Microsoft's XNA Framework for game development, as it is easy to use and integrates well with Visual Studio. I would start off with Riemer's XNA tutorials - they give a nice easy introduction to 3D (and 2D) in XNA and have the advantage of being free.

If you like his style, you can then buy his book XNA 3.0 Game Programming Recipes: A Problem-Solving Approach or I know that Learning XNA 3.0: XNA 3.0 Game Development for the PC, Xbox 360, and Zune is always highly recommended, but adds more focus to other development platforms as well as the PC (still in C#). This book is also available but there seems to be some problem with the code in the book being XNA 2.0.

Good luck!

Callum Rogers