



How to send a jpg image as ByteArray from as3 to javescript? And how to convert ByteArray to image in javascript?


The JavaScript and DOM implementations of current web browsers don't really have good mechanisms for doing this sort of thing.

Your best bet is to have your AS3 return a DATA protocol URI with a base64-encoded version of the image. Modern browsers (IE8+, FF2+, etc) will accept a DATA URI as the SRC of an IMG tag and will render the image contained therein.

You'll have to have a AS3 expert explain how to turn an byte-array into a base64-encoded string, but it cannot be that hard.

EricLaw -MSFT-
Not worked in <IE8 =(
Indeed, that won't work in older browser versions. Without using a DATA URI, there's no other way to do this with the DOM itself.
EricLaw -MSFT-