Yesterday my system software got crashed on WINDOWS 2003 server. The Core shown below.
kernel32.dll!_RaiseException@16() + 0x3c bytes
rpcrt4.dll!_RpcpRaiseException@4() + 0x21 bytes
rpcrt4.dll!_NdrGetBuffer@12() - 0x1d3fe bytes
rpcrt4.dll!_NdrClientCall2() + 0x132 bytes
hnetcfg.dll!_FwOpenDynamicFwPort@16() + 0x1d bytes
hnetcfg.dll!_IcfOpenDynamicFwPort@12() + 0x6a bytes
mswsock.dll!_WSPBind@16() + 0xa55 bytes
ws2_32.dll!_bind@12() + 0x4e bytes
sal.dll!s_SktBind(s_Socket * sp=0x05943800, SAL_AddrBuf_t
* addrp=0x057cfe00,unsigned int addrsz=0x00000042) Line 76 + 0x14 bytes C++
sal.dll!SAL_SktBind(SAL_SktHandle_t * sh=0x05943800, SAL_AddrBuf_t
*addrp=0x057cfe00, unsigned int addrsz=0x00000042) Line 101 + 0xe bytes C++
Note: sal.dll is my software module. it is calling System Call bind() from our function SktBind()
Could you please tell, why it was crashed ? and how can I solve this problem.
If you have any comments or suggestion , please share with me.