I am looking for examples of open-source projects that have made use of different design-patters. One example that comes to my mind is use of Proxy Pattern in NHibernate
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I am looking for examples of open-source projects that have made use of different design-patters. One example that comes to my mind is use of Proxy Pattern in NHibernate
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Check out excellent Repository pattern implementation in Oxite http://oxite.codeplex.com/
Visitor pattern in Predicate Builder http://www.albahari.com/nutshell/predicatebuilder.aspx
SharpDevelop uses a number of design patterns including Singleton, Factory, Decorator, Strategy, Memento, Proxy.
Have a look at this complete chapter on design patterns in SharpDevelop for more details. In fact the whole book is highly recommended.
Not really an open source project as such, but I found NHibernate Best Practices with ASP.NET to be a very good foundation to build upon.