




Iam customizing vtiger CRM. There are following users in the system based on the heirarchy: Technician - Territory Manager - Area Sales manager - MD

Trouble ticket is created by Technician is assigned to Territory manager. Territory manager has 30 min to respond to the same. If he fails to, it automatically escalates to Area Sales Manager. The same time limit applies to him after which it gets escalated to the MD. the MD should be able to view all the details along with the date and time.

a cron script that can scan all open trouble tickets should work . Based on the last-modified time and current time difference I have set the assigned_user_id to right user-id. But, it is not working. I would really appreciate your help.

Regards, Nitesh

+1  A: 

Hi Nitesh,

Is this fixed or you still need any assistance?

