




I have a ListView, as well as a refreshListFromDB(String searchKeywords) method which updates the adapter.

I'd like to implement search, where pressing the search key on my device will pop up the standard search box (and on-screen keyboard if required), and pass the result (onKeyDown) to refreshListFromDB() - or is this considered bad UI design?

Search is a complex beast, so can anyone recommend any bare-bones examples? I don't want to use global QSB, as it's not relavent for my type of app. Do I really need to get into Intents, searchable XML, new activities, content providers etc?


You could also have a look at the Searchable Dictionary Sample Application that comes with the SDK, although I think this does integrate with the Quick Search Box.

Dave Webb
+1  A: 

I'd like to implement search, where pressing the search key on my device will pop up the standard search box (and on-screen keyboard if required), and pass the result (onKeyDown) to refreshListFromDB() - or is this considered bad UI design?

I don't know about "bad UI design", but the standard search box doesn't do what you say you want it to do.

Search is a complex beast, so can anyone recommend any bare-bones examples?

I used to have a bare-bones example, but that was before QSB, which added another pile of bones on top of the bones I had. You can still look at the larger pile of bones here, and the pieces you seek are described in (ahem) a book.

Do I really need to get into Intents, searchable XML, new activities, content providers etc?

To use the "standard search box", you need the first two in your list, and possibly the third depending on how you want to do it. I have both reused existing activities and created new ones in my search experiments. You will not need a content provider, though.


Link to Search able Dictionary application above link is not working for me link text
