





I have a class called Action, which is essentially a wrapper around a deque of Move objects.

Because I need to traverse the deque of Moves both forward and backwards, I have a forward iterator and a reverse_iterator as member variables of the class. The reason for this is becuase I need to know when I have gone one past the "end" of the deque, both when I am going forwards or backwards.

The class looks like this:

class Action
    SetMoves(std::deque<Move> & dmoves) { _moves = dmoves; }
    void Advance();
    bool Finished() 
        if( bForward )
            return (currentfwd==_moves.end());
            return (currentbck==_moves.rend());
    std::deque<Move> _moves;
    std::deque<Move>::const_iterator currentfwd;
    std::deque<Move>::const_reverse_iterator currentbck;
    bool bForward;

The Advance function is as follows:

void Action::Advance
    if( bForward)

My problem is, I want to be able to retrieve an iterator to the current Move object, without needing to query whether I am going forwards or backwards. This means one function returning one type of iterator, but I have two types.

Should I forget returning an iterator, and return a const reference to a Move object instead?

best wishes,



Maybe you should rethink your choice of container.

Usually you do not need to use reverse iterators to go backward,


will go backwards, all though it might not work (which i assume you tried) with dequeue.

What you should really do is model your class here as a decorator of dequeue and implement your own Action iterators. That would be what I would do anyway.

Thanks Charles. The problem with going backward is in the Finished() function - I need to knwo when I'm one before the first element ( i.e. have gone past the "rend()" ).
+3  A: 

Reverse iterators have a member base() which returns a corresponding forward iterator. Beware that this isn't an iterator that refers to the same object - it actually refers to the next object in the sequence. This is so that rbegin() corresponds with end() and rend() corresponds with begin().

So if you want to return an iterator, then you would do something like

std::deque<Move>::const_iterator Current() const
    if (forward)
        return currentfwd;
        return (currentbck+1).base();

I would prefer to return a reference, though, and encapsulate all the iteration details inside the class.

Mike Seymour
`(currentbck+1).base()` borks when currentbck is an end iterator. Converting between the two is a world of errors waiting to happen.
Steve Jessop
+3  A: 

Since std::deque is a random access container (same as std::vector) you are much better off using a single integer index into the deque for both traversals.

Nikolai N Fetissov
Thanks - I have been using deque's throughout the rest of the app for this very reason. I don't know why I got tunnel vision about iterators :-)
That's why you always need a second pair of eyes :)
Nikolai N Fetissov
Beware though: it's quite difficult to test an unsigned integer to know if has reached sub zero value ;)
Matthieu M.
Good point. Signed integer then I guess.
You could use a (forward) iterator, and be careful not to increment it if it's equal to end(), or decrement if equal to end(). And either way, watch for operations which invalidate iterators, since they could also invalidate an index (either because it no longer points to the element you think it does, or because you remove something when the index refers to the end of the deque).
Steve Jessop
Do you mean don't decrement if equal to begin()? Problem with that is, if Advance() does not go to the functional equivalent of rend(), a function like GetCurrentMove() will return begin() when actually all moves have been processed.
Yes, that's what I meant, the other thing was nonsense :-). You would have to use a flag to indicate "off the beginning", and special case it everywhere. The trouble is there's no built-in iterator type which can go off both ends of an interval, so GetCurrentMove() doesn't fit nicely with what you're doing. And even an end iterator doesn't point to anything. So you'll have to special-case both ends anyway. Just a suggestion, I don't know whether it will actually work out any better than using an index.
Steve Jessop
+1  A: 

It seems to me that you actually have two different behavior in the same class.

Notably, it seems that you can only traverse your collection in one order, otherwise if you were to begin the traversal and then change the bforward argument you would end up with quite a strange situation.

Personally, I am all for exposing both iterators (ie, forward begin, end, rbegin and rend).

You could also return a simple Iterator object:

template <class T>
class Iterator
  typedef typename T::reference_type reference_type;

  Iterator(T it, T end) : m_it(it), m_end(end) {}

  operator bool() const { return m_it != m_end; }

  reference_type operator*() const { return *m_it; }

  Iterator& operator++() { ++m_it; return *this; }

  T m_it;
  T m_end;

template <class T>
Iterator<T> make_iterator(T it, T end) { return Iterator<T>(it,end); }

Then, you can just return this simple object:

class Action
  Action(std::deque<Move> const& d): m_deque(d) {} // const& please

  typedef Iterator< std::deque<Move>::iterator > forward_iterator_type;
  typedef Iterator< std::deque<Move>::reverse_iterator > backward_iterator_type;

  forward_iterator_type forward_iterator()
    return make_iterator(m_deque.begin(), m_deque.end());

  backward_iterator_type backward_iterator()
    return make_iterator(m_deque.rbegin(), m_deque.rend());

  std::deque<Move> m_deque;

Or if you want to choose dynamically between forward and backward traversal, you could make Iterator a pure virtual interface and having both forward and backward traversal.

But really, I don't really see the point of storing BOTH forward and backward iterator if it appears that you will only use one :/

Matthieu M.
I like this solution and it might be a good learning exercise for me. The reason for storing both iterators is because the "GetCurrentMove() is called from a different place in the app to Advance(). So I need one convenient place to store the "current move".
That is normally the role of the iterator, though implementing it as 2 different objects in C++, though it saves some place and mimicks pointer arithmetic, is quite annoying I think. The Iterator above is inspired from Python > a single object maintaining both its current position and the end point. In your application, you don't need to pass the full `Action` class, you only need to pass the `Iterator` (or if you were to directly reference the deque iterators, the current position and the end). This way, you promote decoupling :)
Matthieu M.
+1  A: 
Jerry Coffin
I like your answer. You could be right. I am relatively new to C++ and the STL. And what constitutes good C++ design is something I'm struggling to learn.