I'm trying to add an array of labels to a panel in my Form. I chose a label because I could set colors for the text. If there is a better way, please let me know.
The code below runs fine but will only display one label. I set a breakpoint and looked at the array before adding and all the elements are there.
However, only one label actually shows up on the Panel.
Here's the code.
int y = 0;
int index = 0;
Label[] labels = new Label[10];
//Add Spareboard Employees to Spare List
foreach (Employee employee in EmployeeList)
labels[index] = new Label();
labels[index].Text = employee.Name;
labels[index].ForeColor = Color.Red;
labels[index].Location = new Point(0, y);
y = y + 10;
// Add the Label control to the form.
Thanks in advance