



In my application I have dropdown list with several items. I'd like to show a context menu when the user clicks the right mouse button on a dropdown item. Is this possible? And if it is possible, how?

+1  A: 

Not possible easily. No hover or right-click event messages are being sent when the combobox is expanded.

You can see this is the case when using Spy++.

I think the easiest would be to change to a listbox if your scenario allows you to do that.

Wim Hollebrandse
I don't think my scenario allows it. See my comment at Martin Harris.

Since MenuItem doesn't have a ContextMenu property it isn't as easy as it is with many other controls. You'll probably need to capture the right-click event and then position and show the context menu manually.

Two caveats though:

  • The combobox list will close when the list loses focus, so it may close when the context menu is shown leaving the user unclear as to what they clicked on (not 100% sure on this, since I haven't written the code to test.)

  • More importantly though I would argue that this is a poor UI choice, I can't think of any real world applications I've used that have context menus on menu items, so it wouldn't be very discoverable for the end user. Plus context menus should be just for quick access, they shouldn't be the only way to access functionality. Are you going to be able to expose these functions through other means as well as the right-click menu?

Martin Harris
I think you're right. Maybe I have to look for another solution. I have a similar combobox as the address bar of a browser. You can enter a new item or select an existing one. What I want is to select an existing one with the right mouse en delete this one.
It isn't too unusual to do this through a keyboard combination. For example you can delete autocomplete entries in Firefox by pressing Shift+Delete when the item you want to remove is highlighted (in IE it is just the delete key - I think). This is *really* bad for discoverability (since I just had to look it up through a Google search), but at least there is precedent.
Martin Harris
Thnx for the idea. What is the best way to implement this?

You could do it manually, by capturing the event on the form, but consider making a nested menu instead. If your combobox items have menus of their own, combobox probably isn't the right choice.

Eric Mickelsen
+1  A: 

As Wim said in his post, there's not a direct way to do this because the messages you want aren't fired.

As a comprise, you could try setting DropdownStyle=Simple; on the Combo and shrink the scroll region to show a single line:

If you assign the Combo a context menu, it will open when the scroll region is right-clicked. You'd probably have to figure out what item was right-clicked. But as other have said, this doesn't sound like a standard Windows way or an intuitive use.

Or how about a modal dialog that you could bring up from the Combo's context menu? On the dialog, you could have a list that the user could select from and a Delete button to delete the selected item(s).

+1  A: 

It is possible but not easy. The ComboBox dropdown is a native ListBox that is created on-the-fly. To get the handle of that list box, you have to send the CB_GETCOMBOBOXINFO message in the DropDown event. Check my answer in this thread to find out how to do this.

The iceberg that is likely to sink that Titanic is that the dropdown automatically closes as soon as it loses focus. Which will happen as soon as you display the context menu. Nothing you can do about that.

Consider a different approach, you could use an actual ListBox that you make visible when the user clicks a glyph that looks like an arrow next a TextBox.

Hans Passant
I like your second approach! Didn´t thought about that!