



I need to monitor several systems going thru stress testing. I want to make a client-server .NET(C#) application that will ping the systems to check temperature, memory usage etc.

The client will provide system info (cpu-mem-hdd configuration) at start then it will undergo through several benchmark/stress tests. The server will keep track of what is been executed and also will be able to detect system crashes. I pretty much have all the code for the client (have been running on the system, using WMI)

I have no experience with .NET remoting nor WCF, but I think this is a great opportunity to learn them.

What technology would you use?

+1  A: 

Snmp, maybe based on Nothing fancy, new and shiny, but a protocol that is meant to be used for exactly the stuff you describe. Would definitely be my first choice.

If that is not an option for you: Second choice for me would be WCF, because that can be used from different platforms (you are more flexible in the future).

Benjamin Podszun

i will choose service bus.

+2  A: 

WCF is meant to unify .net remoting with a handful of other Microsoft technologies. WCF gives you a lot of flexibility to change the design of your client-server architecture simply by changing a few .net attributes.

I recommend you proceed with caution and make sure you have a good WCF reference at hand. You will spend a lot of time spinning your wheels in the mud without one.

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Serhio, if you have time to learn WCF, then go for it!
Gabriel Mongeon
In my experience, WCF is a very comprehensive tool. It's very useful to know.
Rice Flour Cookies
I agree that WCF should be prefered if you look at Remoting and WCF. (Nitpicking: Serhio is the editor, MexDev the developer)
Benjamin Podszun
I think I am going to go for WCF. Any books, links for tutorials-examples-quickstarts?
I learned from "Learning WCF", but Michele Bustamante. Good book.
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