In, when writting an application, I want to access a batch file that has been added to the project. My question is how to I find the relative path of this file to access it?
I have used relative path on the ASP.NET side, but not on the application side. The properties that I am finding regarding the current directory and running directory and the likes are all for the bin directory its in. While I can use the CurrentDirectory() property and go up two parents (....) in the development enviroment, when I install the application, the structure is not the same. As in the output is in a single folder, not tiered.
Example. c:\projects\MyApp\bin\debug\MyApp.exe is the running directory My file I want to access is at c:\projects\MyApp\validate.bat so "c:\projects\MyApp" is what I am trying to capture.
Does anyone know how I might attact this issue?