




I am putting the finishing touches to a batch script that transfers the contents of a locally edited web site to the internet.

The script opens in a console window, and outputs quite a lot of stuff the administrator needs to see in case something goes wrong. In that case, though, the output is being sent as E-Mail, so there is no need to display the output and confuse the user who runs the update unnecessarily. I need to display only a few lines (say, "starting synchronisation..." and "syncrhonisation complete").

Can anybody think of a way to stop output in a batch script? Kind of a total "echo off"?

A simple

my_batch_file > nul

won't cut it, because as I said, a few things I need to show.


You could write the few things that need showing to stderr instead of stdout.

Or alternatively, redirect the outputs of the individual parts that you want hidden.

Sorry, I mixed up my example, I am on a Windows system here. Doesn't work there does it?
Oh you're talking about a literal Batch file. In that case, you could separate the parts that you don't want showing into a separate Batch script, and call it from your primary one, redirecting the output. Also, keep in mind the `@` prefix, which stops the command itself from being printed.
+1  A: 

your batch script could run itself

@echo off
if "%1" == "1" goto else
echo start
call %0 1 > nul
echo done
goto done
echo do stuff

stdout of the second invocation goes to nul


Output EVERY message with a level prefixed such as:

[L1] Hello
[L2] World!

You can then filter out certain levels by piping the output through another Python? script. In fact, I would use Python and not .bat.

Hamish Grubijan
+4  A: 

Windows actually does have the notion of stdout and stderr. Here's an example:


@echo off
echo verbose stuff 1
echo verbose stuff 2
echo verbose stuff 3
echo important stuff! >&2
echo verbose stuff 4

If you run it as 'test.bat' you'll get the full output. If you run it as 'test.bat >nul' then you'll only get the 'important' output (anything redirected to stderr, with the >&2)

Hah, this works perfectly for me. Thanks!