Hello, any help on this one will be appreciated..
I use a form for clients to provide them a way to upload their books to a web application.
The clients should be able to upload an image of a book as well.
Just before inserting the book to the database i try to get the image file name and store it a control parameter,in its default value, in the Object datasource_Inserting event. However it keeps using the originally set default value.. WHY FOR HAVENS SAKE??
the code:
//Before the insertion of the Book validate the Image file,bind the filename to the Image parameter
protected void srcInsertNewBook_Inserting(object sender, ObjectDataSourceMethodEventArgs e)
FileUpload upImage = (FileUpload)dtlBook.FindControl("upImage");
for (int i = 0; i < srcInsertNewBook.InsertParameters.Count; i++)
string parname = srcInsertNewBook.InsertParameters[i].Name;
if (parname == "Image")
//It should overiwrite the value:"No Image Uploaded" right??IT DOES NOT!
srcInsertNewBook.InsertParameters[i].DefaultValue = upImage.FileName;
if (upImage.HasFile)
if (CheckFileType(upImage.FileName))
if (upImage.PostedFile.ContentLength < 102400)
//save the file
String filePath = "~/Book_Images/" + upImage.FileName;
Alert.Show("The file has to be less than 100 kb!");
//do not do the insertion!
e.Cancel = true;
Alert.Show("No jpg file type!");
//do not do the insertion!
e.Cancel = true;
Runat="server" OnInserted="srcInsertNewBook_Inserted" OnInserting="srcInsertNewBook_Inserting">
<asp:ControlParameter Name="ISBN" ControlID="dtlBook$txtNewISBN"/>
<asp:ControlParameter Name="Publisher_ID" ControlID="dtlBook$ddlPublishers"/>
<asp:ControlParameter Name="Title" ControlID="dtlBook$txtNewTitle"/>
<asp:ControlParameter Name="Category_ID" ControlID="dtlBook$ddlCategories"/>
<asp:ControlParameter Name="First_Name" ControlID="dtlBook$txtNewFirst_Name"/>
<asp:ControlParameter Name="Last_Name" ControlID="dtlBook$txtNewLast_Name"/>
<%--<asp:ControlParameter Name="Image" ControlID="dtlBook$upImage"/>--%>
<asp:ControlParameter Name="Description" ControlID="dtlBook$txtDescription"/>
<asp:ControlParameter Name="Price" ControlID="dtlBook$txtNewPrice"/>
<asp:ControlParameter Name="Quantity" ControlID="dtlBook$txtNewQuantity"/>
<asp:Parameter Name="Image" DefaultValue="No Image Uploaded" />
QueryStringField="Client" />
..thanks for any answer.