



We're starting a fairly large project that is going to be using all of the company's development resources and I've been asked to help bring up to speed and mentor a co-worker in C#/ASP.NET/WebForms 3.5 who has years of experience with Java and Classic ASP.

What are your recommendations and best practices for helping an experienced developer learn the framework and become familiar with ASP.NET best practices? Books or resources? How often should I be conducting code reviews?


It's hard to beat just getting him to do something. If he's a decent developer and has the experience, he should pick it up. Just make sure his code goes in the codebehind file...

Reviews should probably happen pretty frequently.


Here's what we did with our intern, who came from a similar background:

I would pick some of the critical videos and tutorials from to get him started.

Other than that, I would encourage a lot of mentoring with someone who's made the switch. Unlearning old ways is a lot harder than learning .Net.

Also do anything you can to stress that it's the framework, not the language, and get him (or her) get really familiar with the class library references on MSDN.

We also spent a bit of time just going over coding standards, which can also be found in the desgn guidelines for class libraries on MSDN.

David Stratton
+3  A: 
Joel Coehoorn
This is all good stuff, thanks for the detailed response.