



How can visual web developer Express Edition highlight the classic asp-Tags (<% asp code %>) insight the Javascript code?

If i write <script> alert("<% =session("user_name %> "); </script>

VWD highlights this as a string and not as asp-code. This is total confusing in these old files i'm working with.


Looks like this is a known issue on Microsoft Connect with a few workarounds, however the syntax highlighting was removed in VS2008. The response from Microsoft (verbatim):

Thank you for this feedback. We are depcrecting VB Script colorization and intellisense support in Visual Studio 2008. We recommend to customers to use VS 2005 or VWD 2005 to edit VB Script. Those products can be installed on the same machine as VS 2008 without any issues.

  • Visual Web Developer Team

Check here for more information:

Scott Anderson