I noticed a strange behaviour today: It seems that, in the following example, the config.CLIENT variable stays persistent accross requests – even if the view gets passed an entirely different client_key, the query that gets the client is only executed once (per many requests), and then the config.CLIENT variable stays assigned.
It does not seem to be a database caching issue.
It happens with mod_python as well as with the test server (the variable is reassigned when the test server is restarted).
What am I missing here?
from my_app import config
def get_client(client_key=None):
if config.CLIENT == None:
config.CLIENT = get_object_or_404(Client, key__exact=client_key, is_active__exact=True)
return config.CLIENT
def some_view(request, client_key):
client = get_client(client_key)
return some_response
# config.py