



Or, how can I send the user to a specific directory from a link? Basically, I have groups setup as project and on the site there will be many projects associated with groups and they will each have their own folders within webfm that are automatically creating. I would like to show the files for that group in a nice fashion. I would like to let everyone view the files, but only let Project Managers, Admins, and Contributors be able to add files and everyone else can just view them.

The main question is, however, how do I put the webfm ui into a panel node? Can I do this using views? Can I do this using a block? Is this already provided? I can't see any blocks or views anywhere and it would be very nice if I could just drop the page like (/webfm) into a panel or something. Or at least be able to link the user to /webfm and have the group's folder already open so they don't have to go searching for it.

Is there code I could write to put that /webfm page into a block, without too much hassle and overwriting the current webfm module?