




I personally prefer to code late at night. I don't know why but I feel more productive then. At first I thought it might be because of the silence but I usually code while listening to music or the radio.

What about you? Do you have any preference?

+20  A: 

This assumes I ever stop coding.

Jim Blackler
And you posted that answer with a script or what? =)
Sergio Acosta
I agree, but I will say that night time seems more productive (or more creative)
Jeremy Cantrell
Automated posting with a script is the mark of a true proffesiona+...0...À<EOF>
Alex K.
+3  A: 

For work I prefer the early morning. Most people get in around 10 ish at work. I try to get in 6-7. That givse me a solid 3-4 hours of coding with almost 0 distractions. I coicidentally try to schedule meetings around lunch time. This hopefully gives me another 2 hours of coding in the afternoon before I take off early.

take off early? How do you pull that off?
Should be easy if he's already put in a full workday worth of work.
The Wicked Flea
At work we have core hours but other than that it's flex schedule. As long as we get our job done when we get it done isn't really an issue.

I don't have a time when I prefer to code. As long as I am awake I enjoy it.

I do prefer to code surrounded by loud music, few to no people, and while drinking lots of caffeine.

+1  A: 

Morning and night are the best times. Afternoon it's more difficult.

Brian Knoblauch

7:30 to 5:00, Monday through Friday for work.

Late evening, when I'm not working...and with a cup of coffee or spiced chai.

Joe Morgan
+1  A: 

It's not time-based for me. If I'm doing something interesting, it's going well, and I'm in the zone, then that's my favourite time. Rarely happens on a Monday morning though...


I'm at my most productive when I'm on an airplane--no possibility of distraction whatsoever! (Especially with my Bose QC2 headphones!)

Barring that, from about 8 pm to 2 am I can get a ton done.

Drew Hall
+1  A: 

16:00 to 07:00. Alone. Lots of caffeine and good music.

+9  A: 

At night. I think that more than the silence is the lack of interruptions. It is the only time when you can get half an hour without none talking to you, no phone calls, no noise from outside. Enough to get easily in the flow.

Sergio Acosta
Agree. I also prefer to code at night, I believe it's the lack of distractions. When I find myself late in a project and have to go to the office on weekends, I usually find myself more relaxed and can concentrate easier on the task - I believe it's the same.
Joe Pineda

I personally prefer the evening/night after work, at home. I can put on my headphones, close the door and just knuckle down for a good hour or six.

+1  A: 

I prefer to code while feeding my never-ending appetite for political news from MSNBC, CNN, and Comedy Central. I'm not extremely productive during the Daily Show and the Colbert Report, but at least I'm laughing.

+1  A: 

I prefer to start coding the day before the delivery... Lazy programmer...


Any time that I'm not feeling tired & there are few-to-no interruptions.

Paul Nathan

Most people in my office work 8-5. I work 9-6. My best coding time is between 5 and 6 when it is nice and quiet.


Right after shower.

Any time is good for me I really enjoy coding, but my best coding is when im hearin music mostly rock, cause i feel sleep with classical music. =)

When I'm in a boring meeting...prevents me from nodding off.

Ed B