




Hi everyone. I just completed my game. ( well not 100%). I am at the upload on facebook part. Could you guys share any resource or knowledge how to implement it please? after finish the game, i will have a button called: upload on facebook. click that and it will straightaway show the log in page for me to enter the username and password. Then I will be able to upload my scores for that game. Hmm yes this is a question of mine too, how to upload the scores?

I really appreciate for any helps

+2  A: 

Check out Facebook Connect for iPhone


Thanks for the help. But yes now i have already create a facebook connection. But base on the tutorial I still go to an empty page with a facebook login button. That is kind of useless because I already have an upload on facebook button on my result screen. By clicking that I want it to show the log in page where I can key in password and all. The problem is I am using Cocos2D , the tutorial in Cocoa. It is kinda hard for me. Could you show me how To do it please? This is my button code

MenuItem *uploadOnFaceBook = [MenuItemImage itemFromNormalImage:@"upload_on_facebook.png" selectedImage:@"upload_on_facebook_PUSH.png" target:self  selector:@selector(uploadOnFaceBookFunction:)];

And this is the function it selects:

-(void) uploadOnFaceBookFunction:(id)sender
    [app.currentSound stop];
    [app play:@"/menu_button_2.wav"];

    UINavigationController *navi = [[UINavigationController alloc] init];

    DegrafeurAppDelegate *appFacebook = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];

    [navi.navigationBar setHidden:YES];

    [appFacebook.window addSubview:navi.view];

    SessionViewController *gdies = [[SessionViewController alloc] init];    
    [navi presentModalViewController:gdies animated:NO];
    [gdies release];