




In your professional experience have haml & sass proved to be useful? In which way?

+8  A: 

Haml is nice, and I use it a lot, but Sass is worth it alone, especially if you have to build complex stylesheets. For example, one of the worst things about CSS is how much redundancy you have to do when naming selectors. In CSS, you have to do

#navbar ul 
#navbar ul li a
#navbar ul li a:hover

With Sass, you can simply nest these decendants naturally.


    margin: 0
    padding: 0
    list-style: none
    width: 100%

      margin: 0
      float: left
      margin-right: 10px
      border: 1px solid #000

        text-decoration: none

          color: red

You can also use variables

!border_color = #333

  border = 1px "solid" !border_color

And you can use math with them

!measure = 18px
!text_size = !measure / 1.5

  font-size = !text_size
  line-height = !measure

  font-size = !measure
  margin-bottom = !measure

  font-size = !measure + 2

  width = !measure * 50

You can also share code

  -moz-border-radius: 4px
  -webkit-border-radius: 4px
  border-radius: 4px
  border: 1px solid #000


There's so much power in this that you owe it to yourself to learn it. Plus, the end result is plain CSS so it can be converted.

Don't forget about css2sass which converts your existing css to sass files!

You can play with some examples at http://rendera.heroku.com/ if you'd like. It's a site I built to help people learn HTML5 and CSS3 and I have support for both HAML and SASS there.

Also, take a look at StaticMatic (staticmatic.rubyforge.org) for an amazing way to do static web site work with HAML and SASS. It generates web sites you can upload to static hosts and has a layout and template system similar to Ruby on Rails.

To address the direct question you asked, by way of "is it worth it", the answer is yes. Being able to use variables, easily group things by selector, and share code via modules makes complex stylesheets much easier. Building the stylesheets doesn't take long at all, and you can use the excellent Compass framework to go even further. For example, you can use the 960.gs or Blueprint modules to mix those frameworks into your existing stylesheets. This way you don't have to change the markup of your code. Adding 960.gs and its "grid_12" and "container_12" classes to all of your markup might not be possible, but with Compass and Sass it's a breeze.

Sass also makes it easier to have multiple stylesheets for development mode and generate a single stylesheet for production, thus improving client-side performance (less calls to the server on page load.)

HAML has its own benefits, although they're not as noticeable as Sass. HAML does make it incredibly easy to nest elements and declare DIVS... using even regular 960.gs for example is easy with HAML:

     %h1 Welcome!
     %h2 Main content
     %h3 Sidebar

Much less typing. And if you decide you need to add a wrapper around all of that for some reason, just indent the whole thing beneath a new tag.

Hope that helps. I <3 Sass.

Brian Hogan
All I can add to this is that HAML and SASS can be used independently of each other, but due to their similarities work extremely well together.
Sass is coming up with a new CSS-compatible syntax called SCSS as well. This means all the above features, with nested selectors inside braces, etc. No need to learn from scratch (though it's not that hard)!
Andrew Vit
+2  A: 

My current web site has over 800 Haml files and 150 Sass files, and let me tell you it has helped my development tremendously.

The biggest boon is in terms of rapid development: creating Haml/Sass files requires far less typing, so you can nail out your presentation logic with far fewer keystrokes than if you were doing an erb template.

I also find Haml files far easier to read, and less error prone.

YMMV, but I have reached the point that not using Haml feels like a chore.

Evil Trout
150 Sass files? That's huge (and impressive!) I'd love to hear more about that implementation. Got a blog or something where you could share details?
Brian Hogan
The site is Forumwarz.com; it's a web game that parodies the Internet. Hence we have hundreds of different styles for fake web sites that people can visit :)We have a blog but it's not development related, just about the game :)
Evil Trout