while executing this below lines i got an error. Error:
Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
Help me to solve this.
Dim i As IEnumerator
Dim item As DataGridItem
Dim bChk As Boolean = False
i = dgOfferStatus.Items.GetEnumerator
For Each item In dgOfferStatus.Items
item = i.Current
item = CType(i.Current, DataGridItem)
Dim chkItemChecked As New CheckBox
chkItemChecked = CType(item.FindControl("chkItemChecked"), CheckBox)
If chkItemChecked.Checked = True Then
bChk = True
lo_ClsInterviewProcess.JobAppID = item.Cells(1).Text
lo_ClsInterviewProcess.candId = item.Cells(9).Text
Dim str, strSchedule1, strSchedule As String
Dim dspath As DataSet
Dim candidateId As Integer
''Moving the resume to Completed folder
ObjInterviewAssessment = New ClsInterviewAssessment
dspath = ObjInterviewAssessment.GetOffComPath(CInt(lo_ClsInterviewProcess.JobAppID), "GetHoldPath")
If dspath.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
If Not IsDBNull(dspath.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item(0)) Then
str = dspath.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item(0)
strSchedule1 = str.Replace("Hold", "Completed")
End If
End If
Dim str1 As String
str1 = Server.MapPath(str).Trim
strSchedule = Server.MapPath(strSchedule1).Trim
Dim file1 As File
If file1.Exists(str1) Then
If file1.Exists(strSchedule) Then
End If
file1.Move(str1, strSchedule)
End If
intResult = lo_ClsInterviewProcess.UpdateApproveStatus(Session("EmployeeId"), strSchedule1)
If intResult > 0 Then
Alert.UserMsgBox("btnsearch", "Status Updated")
Alert.UserMsgBox("btnsearch", "Status not Updated")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Throw (ex)
End Try
End If
If bChk = False Then
Alert.UserMsgBox("btnsearch", "Please Select any Candidate")
End If
'Catch ex As Exception
' ExceptionManager.Publish(ex)
'End Try
End Sub