



Hello, I have a series of "links & divs" like these:

<a class="pop" href="popup.asp?PD=12>Hotel XXX</a>
<div class="details" title="Hotel XXX"></div>

<a class="pop" href="popup.asp?PD=52>Hotel YYY</a>
<div class="details" title="Hotel YYY"></div>


I'm using the following javascript, and it works very nice except the fact that I can open the dialog only once per click

$('.pop').click(function(event) {
    modal: false,
    height: 400,
    width: 500

I read somewhere that I have to use the "autoOpen: false" feature, but I have no idea on where to put this...

Please, can you help? Thanks


Tested, and works:

I separated the initialization of the dialog from the click event of the links. The click event merely finds its corresponding dialog, and opens it.



      $(".details:eq("+i+")").html("Dialog " + i).dialog('open');    

Jonathan Sampson
this does not fix his problem: try to open a dialog by clicking on the text, close it, and try to reopen the same dialog. Doesn't work.
The Guy Of Doom
Thanks for your answer, Jonathan: I tried your code but a click on the same link opens the dialog again... If I have N pairs of "a/div" groups, clicking N times on the same link opens N dialog boxesThe most strange thing is that each of these dialog opens with a different title (the first with "Hotel XXX", the second with "Hotel YYY", etc..)

Maybe you should look at This question on SO. It looks very similar

The Guy Of Doom
This should be a comment.
Jonathan Sampson
sorry about that
The Guy Of Doom
+1  A: 

Building upon what Jonathan did and using something a little closer to your original click function, this should do the trick.



  $('.pop').click(function(event) {


By declaring the dialog earlier and with autoOpen:false we're setting it up but not displaying the dialog. You can then call dialog('open') on the element with the dialog functionality and have it open.

John Duff
Sorry, this doesn't work... :-(