I came across a small hack, which claims it enables smb:// on windows.
The complaint was that things like <a href="\\computername\path\file.ext">text</a>
weren't working.
While true that you can use file:///// in your url's, the user wanted to use smb:// so that it's cross-platform.
The hack goes as follows:
1) Create this Reg file, save and execute it:
@="URL:smb Protocol"
"URL Protocol"=""
@="\"C:\\smb.bat\" \"%1\""
And then create the smb.bat file in your C-folder, containing this:
@echo off
cd C:\
set url=%~dpnx1
explorer \%url:~7%
My question: how safe is this, and any other thoughts on the matter? Besides the file:///// thing I mean.