I'm struggling to come up with the right words to summarize this problem, so any input on what I can add to clarify it would be appreciated.
The basic scenario is this: I have a basic CMS (with pages, users, etc.). Page is a LINQ data object, which maps directly to a Page table.
I've added a method to the Page class called GetUserPermissions. This method accepts a UserId and returns a non-LINQ class called PagePermissionSet, which describes what the user can do. PagePermissionSet is calculated via a LINQ query.
Now I want to get the list of Pages which a user has access to. The ideal implementation would be as follows:
from page in mDataContext.Pages
where page.GetUserPermissions(userId).CanView
select page
This fails, stating that there is no SQL equivalent for GetUserPermissions (which is reasonable enough), or after some refactoring of the method, that the CanView member can't be invoked on an IQueryable.
Attempt two was to add a method to the DataContext, which returns all of the permissions for each Page/User as an IQueryable:
IQueryable<PagePermissionSet> GetAllPagePermissions()
I then tried to join to this result set:
IQueryable<Page> GetAllPages(Guid? userId) {
var permissions = mDataContext.GetAllPagePermissions();
var pages =
from page in mDataContext.WikiPages
join permission in permissions on Page.FileName equals permission.PageName
where permission.CanView && permission.UserId == userId
select page;
return pages;
This produces the error: "The member 'WikiTome.Library.Model.PagePermissionSet.PageName' has no supported translation to SQL."
PagePermissionSet is pretty much just a shell holding data from the select clause in GetUserPermissions, and is initialized as follows:
select new PagePermissionSet(pageName, userName, canView, canEdit, canRename)
With all of that out of the way... How can I reuse the LINQ query in Page.GetUserPermissions in another query? I definitely don't want to duplicate the code, and I would prefer not to translate it to SQL for inclusion as a view at this point.