I'm trying to implement signals from Django (http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/signals/), or its concept in C# to reduce/eliminate coupling/method dependencies.
So far, I'm replicating the code fine, up until the point whereby I realised methods ain't objects in C# as it is in Python. Then I thought of pointers, and then I realised that I can't have pointers to methods. The C# version of it are delegates.
Then I realised delegates have a unique signature to it, so I can't really mix delegated methods (with diff signatures) into a List, or can I?
I did a bit more googling, and found Reactive LINQ, so far, linq looks awesome, but I still don't really get when to use them.
So my question is, how would you implement the Signals concept in C#? Thanks!
Oh did I mention I'm new (1 day old) to C#? I do have a background of various other languages incl Java/C/Python.
Cheers :)