




I have this problem where I need to design a java package which is used for:

  • Getting data from different datasources. For example, Class A will retrieve customer data from a Oracle database, while Class B will retrieve the same information from a webservice datasource (via soap).
  • The results will need to be combined, the rule for combination is quite complex so ideally I should hide this from the users (other developers) of this package.
  • When one datasources failed, I need to still return the result from other datasources. However I also need to let the caller know one of the datasources failed to respond.

Right now I'm doing it by having a boolean value inside the Class A and Class B indicating whether there's an error, and another object for storing the actual error message. The caller will have to check this boolean value after making a call to see whether an error has occurred.

Can anyone here suggest a good design model for this?

+4  A: 

The answer would be very broad, so I would suggest you to use the:

  • DAO ( Data Access Object ) design pattern to abstract the source of the data ( database or webservice )
  • Strategy to abstract the algorithm by which the data is merged ( when both sources are available and one there is only one )
  • And finally State design pattern to change the way your app works depending on which source is available.
  • All thie wrapped ( why not ) in a nice Facade

I'll write some pseudo code in a moment for this.

EDIT It was quite a lot of pseudo code though.

This psuedo code has similar syntax as UML and python, I hope is it not boring:

// the data implements one interface
Data {interface}

// and you implement it with DatabaseData
DbData -> Data

// Or WebServiceData
WsData -> Data

// -- Dao part   
Dao {interface}
   + fetch(): Data[] 

// from databae
DatabaseDao -> Dao 
    - data : Data[0..*] 
    // Query database and create dbData from rows...
    + fetch() : Data[]
        self.status = "Not ok"
        self.status = connectToDb()
        if( self.status == ok , 
            forEach( row in resultSet, 
                data.add( ) )

// From webservice        
WebServiceDao -> Dao
    - data : Data[0..*]
    // execute remote method and create wsData from some strage object
    + fetch(): Data[]
        remoteObject: SoapObject = SoapObject()
        if( remoteObject.connected?(), 
            differentData: StrangeObject = remoteObject.getRemoteData()
            forEach( object in differentData , 
       fromElement ))
           self.status = "Disconnected"
// -- State part 
// abstract the way the data is going to be retrieved
// either from two sources or from a single one
FetcheState { abstract }

    - context : Service
    - dao : Dao // used for single source

    + doFetch() : Data[] { abstract }

    + setContext( context: Service )
        self.context = context
    + setSingleSource( dao: Dao)
        self.dao = dao

// Fetches only from one dao, and doesn't quite merge anything 
// because there is only one source after all. 
OneSourceState -> FetcheState 
   // use the single dao and fetch
   + doFetch(): Data[]
       data : Data[] =  self.dao.doFetch()
       // it doesn't hurt to call "context's" merger anyway
       context.merger.merge( data, null )

// Two sources, is more complex, fetches both daos, and validates error
// is one source had error, it changes the "state" of the app ( context )
// so it can fetch from single source next time
TwoSourcesState -> FetcheState
    - db : Dao =
    - ws : Dao =

    + doFetch() : Data[]
        dbData : Data[] =  db.doFetch()
        wsData : Data[] =  ws.doFetch()

        if( ws.hadError() or db.hadError(), 
            // changes the context's state
            context.fetcher =
            context.merger =
            context.fetcher.setContext( self.context )
             // find out which one was broken
            if( ws.hadError(), 
                context.fetcher.setSingleSource( db )
            if( db.hadError(), 
                context.fetcher.setSingleSource( ws )
        // since we have the data already 
        // le'ts merge it with the "context's" merger
        return context.merger.merge( dbData, wsData )

// -- Strategy part --    
// encapsulate algoritm to merge data 
Strategy{ interface }
    + merge( a: Data[], with : Data[]  )

// One kind doesn't merge too much, just "cast" one array
// because there is only one source after all.
OneKindMergeStrategy -> Strategy
    + merge( a: Data[], b : Data[]  )
         mergedData : Data[]
         forEach( item, in( a ), 
            mergedData = item ) // take values from wsData or dbData
         return mergedData

// Two Kinds merge, encapsulate the complex algorithm to 
// merge data from two sources.         
TwoKindsMergeStrategy -> Strategy
    + merge( a: Data[], with : Data[]  ): Data[]
        forEach( item, in( a ), 
            mergedData : Data[]
            forEach( other, in(with ), 
                 WsData wsData = WsData.cast( item )
                 DbData dbData = DbData.cast( other )
                 // add strange an complex logic here.
                 newItem =
                 if( == and etc. etc , 
           = wsData+dbData...e tc. etc
                    mergedData.add( newItem )
        return mergedData    

// Finally the service where the actual fetch is being performed.
Service  { facade }

    - merger: Strategy
    - fetcher: FetcheState 

    // init the object with the default "strategy" and the default "state"
    + init()
        self.fetcher  = TwoSourcesState()
        self.merger = TwoKindsMergeStrategy()
        fetcher.setContext( self )

    // nahh just let the state do his work.
    + doFetch() : Data[]
        // fetch using the current app state
        return fetcher.doFetch()

Client usage:

     service : Service =
     data : Data[] = service.doFetch()

Unfortunately it looks a bit complex.

OOP is based a lot in polymorphism.

So in Dao, you let the subclass fetch data from what ever place and you just call it dao.fetch()

In Strategy the same, the subclass performs one algorithm or the other ( to avoid having a lot of strange if's else's switch's etc )

With State happens the same thing, instead of going like:

if isBroken and itDoesntWork() and if ImAlive() 

etc etc you just say, "Hey this will be the code one there are two connections and this is when there is only one.

Finally facade say to the client "don't worry I'll handle this"

Great answer even before the pseudo code.
+1 for the state pattern. Just curious why you started all over again 3rd time?
Adeel Ansari
@Vinegar: Thanks. About the 3rd. I answered in another thread
This is great. It's going to take me awhile to digest it and put it in our system but thanks heaps!
@Oscar: Reading it... :)
Adeel Ansari
+1  A: 

Do you need to write a solution, or do you need a solution? There's plenty of free java software that does these things - why re-invent the wheel. See:

Roland Bouman

I would suggest a Facade that would represent the object as a whole (the customer data) and a factory which creates that object by retrieving from each data source and passing those to the Facade (in the constructor or as a builder, depending on how many there are). The individual class with the specific data source would have a method (on a common interface or base class) to indicate if there was an error retrieving the data. The Facade (or a delegate) would be responsible for combining the data.

Then the Facade would have a method that would return a collection of some sort indicating which data sources the object represented, or which ones failed - depending on what the client needs to know.
