



I have File Upload form which users use to upload certain files on the server. The files are uploaded in path that look like this.

"G:\\VS\\Ticketing System2\\UploadedFiles\\" + ProjectId + "\\" + ticketId + "\\TicketFiles\\";

After that I have a repeater which displays some data and have a hyperlink. I want to name the hyperlink"Download files(" + fileCount + ")" and onclicked it should display a regular Save As window. Can you give me some code to do that. I've never done something like this.

+1  A: 

To get the number of files in the directory, you need to use IO. Then

string path = @"G:\\VS\\Ticketing System2\\UploadedFiles\\" + ProjectId + "\\" + ticketId + "\\TicketFiles\\";
int numFiles = Directory.GetFiles(path).Length;

Then in your page_load, just change to .Text of the link to include the numFiles variable
