




I need to retrieve the details of all deployed SharePoint solutions, as are displayed in the Central Administration > Operations > Solution Management (AKA the Solution Store), using a PowerShell script (v2.0). Can anyone offer any guidance on how to retrieve this information from the SharePoint solution store via the SharePoint API?

Thanks, MagicAndi.

+1  A: 

You can call stsadm.exe -o enumsolutions from your powershell script. It returns XML data which you can easily convert to [xml] data type and see whatever you need from that.
(stsadm lives in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\bin)

The output consists of statements similar to this

<Solution Name="yoursolution.wsp">
  <Deployment WebApplication="http://devserver/" />
  <LastOperationTime>10/26/2009 9:06 AM</LastOperationTime>
naivists, thanks, this is a useful interim solution. +1
+1  A: 

This is actually pretty easy to do. You conect to the SP Farm and just request get_Solutions.

Here is an example:

# Connect to the Farm
$SPfarm = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPFarm]::get_Local()

# What Solution are we looking for?
$solution = "sharepointlearningkit.wsp";

# Get the solutions
$currentSolution = $SPfarm.get_Solutions() | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -eq $solution; }
Mitchell Skurnik
Thanks Mitchell, I have successfully used your code. Exactly what I was after - accepted as the answer!
Glad I could help. Odly with this method you don't have to dispose of the farm connection.
Mitchell Skurnik
+1  A: 

Based on Mitchell's answer, I have used:


    function Get-LocalSPFarm()
       return [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPFarm]::Local

    function List-Solutions()
        $farm = Get-LocalSPFarm        
        foreach ($solution in $farm.Solutions) 
            # Get-Member -InputObject $solution -MemberType property

All credit to Mitchell!
