I have what I think is a simple problem but have been unable to solve... For some reason I have a controller that uses removeFrom*.save() which throws no errors but does not do anything.
Running Grails 1.2 Linux/Ubuntu
The following application is stripped down to reproduce the problem...
I have two domain objects via create-domain-class - Job (which has many notes) - Note (which belongs to Job)
I have 3 controllers via create-controller - JobController (running scaffold) - NoteController (running scaffold) - JSONNoteController
JSONNoteController has one primary method deleteItem which aims to remove/delete a note.
It does the following
- some request validation
- removes the note from the job - jobInstance.removeFromNotes(noteInstance).save()
- deletes the note - noteInstance.delete()
- return a status and remaining data set as a json response.
When I run this request - I get no errors but it appears that jobInstance.removeFromNotes(noteInstance).save() does nothing and does not throw any exception etc. How can I track down why??
I've attached a sample application that adds some data via BootStrap.groovy. Just run it - you can view the data via the default scaffold views.
If you run linux, from a command line you can run the following GET "http://localhost:8080/gespm/JSONNote/deleteItem?job.id=1&note.id=2"
You can run it over and over again and nothing different happens. You could also paste the URL into your webbrowser if you're running windows.
Please help - I'm stuck!!! Code is here link text
Note Domain
package beachit
class Note
Date dateCreated
Date lastUpdated
String note
static belongsTo = Job
static constraints =
String toString()
return note
Job Domain
package beachit
class Job
Date dateCreated
Date lastUpdated
Date createDate
Date startDate
Date completionDate
List notes
static hasMany = [notes : Note]
static constraints =
String toString()
return createDate.toString() + " " + startDate.toString();
package beachit
import grails.converters.*
import java.text.*
class JSONNoteController
def test = { render "foobar test" }
def index = { redirect(action:listAll,params:params) }
// the delete, save and update actions only accept POST requests
//static allowedMethods = [delete:'POST', save:'POST', update:'POST']
def getListService =
def message
def status
def all = Note.list()
return all
def getListByJobService(jobId)
def message
def status
def jobInstance = Job.get(jobId)
def all
all = jobInstance.notes
log.debug("getListByJobService job not found for jobId " + jobId)
return all
def listAll =
def message
def status
def listView
listView = getListService()
message = "Done"
status = 0
def response = ['message': message, 'status':status, 'list': listView]
render response as JSON
def deleteItem =
def jobInstance
def noteInstance
def message
def status
def jobId = 0
def noteId = 0
def instance
def listView
def response
jobId = Integer.parseInt(params.job?.id)
catch (NumberFormatException ex)
log.debug("deleteItem error in jobId " + params.job?.id)
if (jobId && jobId > 0 )
jobInstance = Job.get(jobId)
if (jobInstance.notes)
noteId = Integer.parseInt(params.note?.id)
catch (NumberFormatException ex)
log.debug("deleteItem error in noteId " + params.note?.id)
log.debug("note id =" + params.note.id)
if (noteId && noteId > 0 )
noteInstance = Note.get(noteId)
if (noteInstance)
message = "note ${noteId} deleted"
status = 0
catch(org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException e)
message = "Note ${noteId} could not be deleted - references to it exist"
status = 1
catch(Exception e)
message = "Some New Error!!!"
status = 10
message = "Note not found with id ${noteId}"
status = 2
message = "Couldn't recognise Note id : ${params.note?.id}"
status = 3
message = "No Notes found for Job : ${jobId}"
status = 4
message = "Job not found with id ${jobId}"
status = 5
listView = getListByJobService(jobId)
} // if (jobId)
message = "Couldn't recognise Job id : ${params.job?.id}"
status = 6
response = ['message': message, 'status':status, 'list' : listView]
render response as JSON
} // deleteNote