



I have written a set of acceptance tests, and am trying to test the performance of a library with them. Unfortunately, I can only seem to select a single test and "Create Performance Session" ...which doesn't give a true picture of performance of the app as a whole.

Is there a way to get a performance report of all the tests at once?


Create your own test runner. Should not be too difficult depending on the testing frame work you are using. You can then profile the test runner.

There has to be a better solution than rolling my own test runner. Somebody has to have done this already.
Really? Just develop your own testing framework runner. Why not reengineer the language too....
Quinn Wilson
Are you comparing the design of a language with writing a test runner? There is a tutorial over on codeproject (search for "advanced unit testing"). Also most unit testing frame works are open source...
Not comparing, no. Just seeing your unlikely suggestion and raising you one...
Quinn Wilson
I guess you are not really understanding the problem here. All the runner needs to do is find and run all the tests. There is no need for evaluation. Just calling a bunch of methods. That's it. Nothing unlikely about it.
Chad, which testing framework are you using?
@Eric, Using MSTest
+7  A: 

If you have Visual Studio Team Test or Team Suite, you should be able to create a Load Test, which looks like a single test, but can encapsulate as many unit tests as you want.

Since the Load Test is only a single test, you may be able to create a Performance Session for it. However, if you just need some performance statistics, the Load Test should be all you need.

Mark Seemann