In CSS, I can do something like this:
But I've no idea how to change that to something like:
Is this possible with CSS?
If yes, how can I do it without explicitly specifying the height (let the content grow)?
In CSS, I can do something like this:
But I've no idea how to change that to something like:
Is this possible with CSS?
If yes, how can I do it without explicitly specifying the height (let the content grow)?
This isn't the only method for doing it, but this is probably the most elegant method I've encountered.
Edit: Here's another:
Edit: Article:
Edit: Woops. First link was supposed to be this:
You can do this with JQuery
$(window).load(function() {
//call the equalize height function
equalHeight($("div.left, div.middle, div.right"));
//equalize funciton
function equalHeight(group) {
tallest = 0;
group.each(function() {
thisHeight = $(this).height();
if(thisHeight > tallest) {
tallest = thisHeight;
You could use CSS tables, like so:
<style type='text/css">
.container { display: table; }
.container .row { display: table-row; }
.container .row .panel { display: table-cell; }
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="panel">...text...</div>
<div class="panel">...text...</div>
<div class="panel">...text...</div>